Do you have wallpaper in your home that you just can’t bear the sight of? Are you ready to get rid of it? Well, the process of removing wallpaper seems like an easy task, but it isn’t! Here are some wallpaper removal tips, so you don’t ruin your walls!
Step 1: Preparation
The first things you should consider before removing wallpaper is the age of the wallpaper and the surrounding light switches, moldings and floors. You want to be mindful of these things because older wallpaper is harder to remove, so you want to prepare by having the proper tools. Being mindful of light switches, molding, and floors is important because you will be using water and want to make sure you are there are no electric outages during the removal process.
Step 2: Tools
For a successful removal, you will need: razor scrapers, drop cloths, masking tape, wallpaper remover solvent, water, bucks, wall sponges, and anything else you think will be necessary depending on what wallpaper you have in your space.
Step 3: The Process
When removing wallpaper, i’s important to keep an eye on how much water or solvent you’re using to avoid damaging your walls. A wallpaper removal process can quickly become a nightmare by using too much water, so it’s important to be mindful and do your research before you complete the job yourself.
Removing wallpaper takes a lot of time and patience so, if this seems like a daunting task for you, we recommend working with an expert, like T Chieffo Custom Painting.
For more information on our services or to work with us, please call 215-646-1300.